For those of you who haven't seen Nathan's ear in a while, the pic below shows you what it looks like as of today.
The surgery Tuesday is called The Earlobe Repositioning stage. I'll share with you a little about what is going to happen on Tuesday since some of you may not know. Nathan's "little" ear will basically be removed and placed into a normal position (that of an earlobe). It will be "spliced" into place upon the previously constructed ear "foundation". This operation is detailed technically with many little stitches involved, but Nathan should have very little discomfort afterwards. (we will see about that, remember he is my low pain tolerance kid) This surgery usually lasts 2 1/2 hrs.
Even as "easy" as this surgery may be, I am sure you can imagine the emotions I am having tonight. Please pray for Nathan's comfort, pray for Rod and I to prepare him the best we can before Tuesday, ask God to guide Dr. Jones throughout the surgery, ending with the best possible outcome. Pray for our travels and for our worries/anxiousness.
After this surgery is over we will be done for a few months. The next operation will most likely be in December.