Sunday, July 18, 2010

I think we are missing something........................


Check out that crooked little toothless grin!!!! I love it! And while you are at it check out those 2 ears your looking at.....LOVE THAT EVEN MORE!!!!!!

I know I haven't posted any pics of Nathan's ear since right after the surgery, so here is the almost 2 month post op pics. How amazing is this?!?!?!?!?!?

The inside still has minimal healing to go through and of course like I have said before, the ear will continue to change over the next 2 yrs. The ears don't have a drainage system like most of our other body parts, therefore the swelling is slower to dissipate.
On a different note........I do need some prayers for our sweet Nathan. Last week we took him back to his ENT here in Auburn and had his hearing rechecked (in his "good" ear). I had started thinking he wasn't hearing very well and with him being deaf on the right side we really can't be to careful with his left ear. Much to our dismay Nathan's hearing on the left side had dropped by 10 decibels over the past 4-5 months. Not really good!

Our plan of action is this..........on July 28th Nate will go back to have a new kind of tube put into his eardrum. Right now he has what they call a T-tube, but our Dr. is not very happy with how things are going with his hearing so he wants to try a brand new kind of tube called a U-tube. We hope this new tube will work much better for him and that his hearing will somewhat be restored. If not and the hearing does not improve we will begin looking at our options for hearing aids. Obviously, this new obstacle has put a bit of a damper on our summer of celebration of the conclusion of Nate's surgeries. Please continue to lift Nate up in your prayers-- we pray for ultimate healing of his hearing: complete restoration; pray for his bravery, he is not really happy about another hospital, operating room and more doctors; pray for Rod and I, this year has been a tough one and we are feeling like we are at the end of our ropes. But we are definitely thankful for all of our family and friends who have travelled down this road with us over the past year......we love you guys more than you know.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Family+ Fun + Fireworks = The 4th of July!

Lots of pictures but not a whole lot to say EXCEPT.......our 4th of July was lots of fun with family, good food, sparklers, and fireworks. The pictures speak a thousand words.

Until next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or at least my next post ;)

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