Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1st Day of 1st Grade!!!!

Ok.....somebody tell me IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!! My baby started 1st grade today and I can absolutely not believe we are already at this point in his life. It truly feels just like yesterday I was rocking and singing to this brown-eyed cutie.

Nathan, your daddy and I are SO proud of you and love you so very much. We know you will have a great year at Ogletree......just be your sweet, smart little self and you will do just fine!!!!
Let your loving, kind character shine through everyday in all that you do and you will sail through 1st grade with flying colors.

Getting comfy in his classroom.

The day is complete now and he has come home saying he can't wait to go back tomorrow.....good thing b/c not much choice in that one. His favorite part was lunch of all things and then second was recess. Typical! Can't wait to hear if those change tomorrow (wink, wink).

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1 comment:

Wilson's Winners said...

OMG...tear,tear.....sniff sniff.....i can't wait to have a lunch date at your new school nate!!!!