WARNING: This post may be long and drawn out -- but hunker down Cowboys and Cowgirls and enjoy the pictures! This past weekend we had a HUGE birthday bash for Wilson, his fave cousin Stirling, and his good buddy Thomas. It was a Cowboy/Cowgirl themed party with ponies galore! Alot of there sweet friends came out to help celebrate and I think they all had a blast. I wish I could have gotten a picture of every little cowboy/cowgirl that came -- but I think I spent a lot of my time chasing my cowboy hat that kept blowing off my head --- did I mention we had typhoon type wind blowing us around all morning. It was pretty amusing. Ok, Ok....enough typing/talking. On with the pictures!The guests of honor!!! I think one of those little cowboys must have done something to little Stirling to make her cry ;)

Thomas and Wilson --- Birthday boys!

Wilson's cake -- they each had their own little cake and their friends got fun cupcakes with stick pony cookies!

Birthday Boy #1

THE Birthday Girl on her princess pony

Birthday Boy #2

Cowboy Nathan -- loved the horses until he had a bit of an allergic reaction ( eyes got really red and itchy)

Cowboy Barrett -- isn't he a doll!

Catching a ride in the carriages with my little men!

Little Cousins -- great picture of how windy it is! Can't believe my hat was actually on!

Cowgirls Mally and Claire with their mom Julee!

Cowgirls Sara and Megan ( also our cousins)

Pony riding with a little help from daddy!

Even our cousin Luke came up from Daphne!

Cowboy Prather

Cake Time!!!!!

Pretending to blow candles out --- thanks to all that wind!

Cowboy Spence

Cowboys William and Ford enjoying the goodies!

And that's all folks!!!!!!!

Cowboy William had such a fun time!
That looks like it was so much fun! What a great idea!
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