Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bandages are off!!!

The bandages are off and the hair has been washed...whoo-hoo!!! The ear is still VERY swollen and hopefully over the next few days the swelling will start to go down even more and the ridges of the ear will start to show through. Remember we are ONLY 1 week post op. Nathan is sooooo happy to have that bandage off, and I don't blame him one bit. He is pretty impressed by his ear.....this first picture of him, he looked at it with me and was all smiles about those 2 (count 'em..1,2) ears.

Please pray for continued healing and a successful skin graft! And also add to that prayer list that the swelling starts to subside soon.

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Christie said...

Looks great! (((Hugs))) I remember how hard it is to look at and not feel anxious (in fact, I still do!). Dr. Jones told us after Nicholas' last surgery that he gives the ear 2 years from the last surgery to know the final result. It always seemed that just as you start seeing more definition, it's time for another surgery!

Wilson's Winners said...

can't wait to see it in person in a bit!!!

thebarronfam said...

Yeah Nate! What a great start to a new year!!!

Julee H. Nappier said...

Looks great! Woo hoo! Go Nate!

Amanda at Amanda's Parties To Go said...

That's truly amazing. He's such a trooper. I know you are so proud of him.